Registration is closed for this event

August 15th, 2024 6:00 PM
Crowne Plaza Executive Center
4728 Constitution Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA
United States
Please select your tickets from the options below || If you would like to purchase more than five tickets please call 225-267-7047 or email
Regular Seats - Ticket Price $25 each
1 Ticket $25.00
2 Tickets $50.00
3 Tickets $75.00
4 Tickets $100.00
5 Tickets $125.00
Preferred seating - $45 each
1 Preferred seat - $45
2 Preferred seat - $90
3 Preferred seat - $135
4 Preferred seat - $180
5 Preferred seat - $225
12 Preferred seat - $540
Student with student ID - $10 entry
1 Student entry $10.00
2 Students entry $20.00
3 Students entry $30.00
4 Students entry $40.00
5 Students entry $50.00
Would you like to sponsor a ticket?
Help us bring quality programs like this one to our city, please add a donation to my total